Some clients wish to engage EMG services as an outside resource to provide a higher level of ongoing support receiving top priority over other EMG clients. These clients typically have complex or eCommerce websites that require expertise not available within their organization. Rather than hire professional IT employees and incur the additional expense of salary, taxes and benefits – these clients may seek to become a “retainer” client.
EMG accepts only a very limited number of “retainer” clients, and a strict advance-payment-policy is required. Furthermore, retainer payments are nonrefundable and have a 30-day expiration.
EMG schedules X number of hours each month for retainer clients, and provides on-call services for retainer clients over the needs of all other clients. It is for this reason a non-refundable retainer fee is paid, and it is for this reason retainer fees are non-refundable. While ongoing retainer clients can “rollover” time unused from one month to the next, should 30 days pass with no activity or services directed by the client – the retainer fee expires and retainer status is discontinued.
There are no exceptions to this policy and, while retainer client status can be extremely rewarding – it is critical that these terms be understood and adhered to in order to become or remain a retainer client. All terms and conditions expressed on this website are applicable to retainer clients as stated.