by webmaster | Jun 14, 2022 | Blog
If your website is outdated – then you probably realize you need to upgrade it. If you’ve not taken action yet, it’s probably because the mere thought of a website upgrade causes you stress or you’re worried about the cost. Website Upgrade Stress...
by webmaster | Mar 15, 2022 | Blog
We’ve all heard the horror stories about evil web developers – but there are equally horrific client stories! There are two sides to every story and the best you can do is avoid being on either side. In order to get the best service possible, it is helpful for...
by webmaster | Nov 3, 2021 | Blog
Because we’ve heard too many client web-horror stories! Wordpress is a powerful Website Creation Tool and Content Management System (CMS), but it’s just one tool in the vast EMG toolbox. You can do some pretty amazing things with WordPress for all kinds of...
by webmaster | May 24, 2021 | Blog
EMG Websites excels at delivering quality websites in record time – simply because we are web design experts. Most of our clients need the mechanics and configurations of getting online handled for them – and they need it FAST. The best way to get your website...
by webmaster | Apr 20, 2021 | Blog
It is certainly not required that EMG clients host their websites on EMG servers. EMG has many clients that host their sites on a variety of hosts such as GoDaddy, HostGator, etc. The fact is, clients that host their sites on EMG servers require a high greater level...
by webmaster | Mar 22, 2021 | Blog
CMS and SEO are two topics I find myself attempting to explain to clients more than any other. I hope the information below will be useful in assisting non-technical clients in understanding these two important aspects of web design and development. Almost all our...